Forget About It
The Paris Premiere
Only in Show Business could an American with Italian and Lebanese heritage, living in Rome, work with an Israeli French Director and photographer on a show about a New York Bar, set in Manhattan, but shot at an Irish Bar in the 11th district of Paris.
If you followed the above blurb, read on!
Rob Sitbon and I began creating FUGEDABOUDIT (Forget About It) more than 2 years ago. I wrote the script with him and played the lead role of Lucky, a bar owner at 10th Ave and 52nd Street. His life is full of antics and adventures that mostly revolve around the cast of international crazies who frequent his establishment. Culture, politics, customs and food preferences all morph into a series that demonstrates commonality among the peoples of the world. What better place for this madness than Manhattan?
The individual sketches and “black outs” were woven into a 47 minute feature, shown at an exclusive theatre known for such activity, Club De L’Etoile just off the Avenue des Champs-Elysées by the Arc de Triomphe. Over 100 people attended and the response was an overwhelming “Thumbs Up”.
Now is the time to market this Friends Meets Cheers Meets All in the Family adventure. The international audience should be up for the show, since everyone and anyone is either highlighted, honored or abused.
An afterglow was held at The Swan Bar just South of Île Saint-Louis. I performed with pianist and fellow cast member Thomas Macfarland. Enthusiastic patrons had a blast, as did we.