Lebanon for My Dad

Italy For My Mom

Italy For My Mom
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Southshore is Dog Heaven (WITH RULES)

Those who keep and care for four-legged friends here know that this place is a virtual canine Valhalla. Trails, lawns, ponds, a doggie park, and countless waste bins adorned with the oh-so-necessary  poopie plastic baggies.

Yet, there is a constant oopsie as folks bounce through this bucolic paradise with their beasts. WHERE’S THE LEASH?

There are countless reasons for this Southshore sanction. I offer you three:

Coyote Cafeteria

Our original residents are tame, calm, not interested in humans (I can sometimes relate), and effective-efficient garbage disposals. Face it. You don’t see carrion, carcasses, or a flood of carrot-eating bunnies. Aside from the crap that they love to deposit on the streets and sidewalks (who knows why), our Wiley Wild Bunch are great hosts.

Remember: We invaded their turf, not vice versa.

However, even the most docile wild dog will dash after a four-legged fur ball, especially a small one. Your off-leash frolicking Fido makes for great fast food. Trust me, Wiley is faster.


You ate my dog.


Looked like a rabbit to me.


That was my dog. My baby.


Dog. Rabbit. Baby. They all taste like chicken (burp). Excuse me. Gotta  make a deposit on the sidewalk.

Bow-Wow Blitzkrieg

Predator or prey? Ambusher or victim? Deranged dog or docile potential dinner? No one can predict when a cuddly companion will morph in Kujo.

Police Officer

Your pet was the aggressor?


My Fluffy never did this before.

Police Officer

Was the dog off-leash?


She always stays close to me and minds my commands. I thought it would be fine.

Police Officer

What do you think now? And, speaking of fines…

Hook the Shot-Hit the Hound (Or Husband)
( Southshore Course is a separate entity. Got a question or a beef? Seek clarification from them. Below is a diatribe about DANGER)

Our world-class course has it’s rules as well. Now that the reseeding has taken hold and the green velvet fairway has rolled out a soon-to-be-divot-disaster welcome mat, duffers and pros alike tee off, hoping to negotiate traps, water hazards, and that one member of the foursome who always cheats.

Gross Great Dane Goop on the Green, Terrier Tinkle on the Tees, or Rottweiler Residue by the Rough need not enhance the plethora of legitimate land mines already installed.

Plus, there is always the chance of an occasional (frequent) hook or slice. If you are strolling around the course (a no-no) with a pet (a bigger no-no)  and the critter is off-leash (hat-trick for stupid), you are fair game for a fairway deadly drive.

So remember pet-owners, there are plenty of play and pacing areas accessible in Southshore ON-leash). You pet-owner buddies will share the countless parks and runs that are a short hop away by car or even golf cart.


Time for a walk-ie?


86 the leash. Let’s cruise.

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