Lebanon for My Dad

Italy For My Mom

Italy For My Mom
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Women=Whoa, Men

So, Let's review:
  1. The Man tells the woman she cannot appear and testify.                          Bad-Ass Bitch with Balls appears and testifies.
  2. Good-Old-Boy Network orchestrates an 11-hour email-Benghazi investigation that produces zero charges and nada indictments.         A calm and classy Clinton weathers the storm of banal accusations with restraint, composure, and the occasional eye-roll.
  3.  Teen from Sweden travels the world in an effort to save the planet.     Men gang up the tease, chastise, insult, and berate her for shining a beacon on their reckless disdain for our Globe.
  4. The Man in Turkey starts a genocide campaign thanks to the tacit OK from the pathetic little Man from the USA.                                                 The Fierce Frau from Deutschland calls it out to the International Community while harshly condemning it.
  5.  USA Women win the World Cup.                                                                 FIFA Men fail to parlay with them for pay parity. 
I could do this all day long from Adam's Rib to "Boys will be Boys". But the denominator is simply that men have been running the show, ruining the environment, waging the wars, and greedily grabbing the goodies long enough. The time for Women has come. I.E:

MAN          Let's "erect" a forest of phallic NYC towers to make money.
WOMAN   Hold it.  Where do the kids play?

MAN          It's a car. It runs on fossil fuel.
WOMAN   What comes out of the exhaust pipe?
MAN          Carbon Monoxide.
WOMAN   I'll take pedestrian over poison anytime.

MAN          God made Man in his image and likeness.
WOMAN   I hung out with God the other day. She has a copy of "Origin of                      Species" on her nightstand.

You've come a long way, (I'm not your) Baby. From Notorious RBG to POTUS HRC (men cooked that one), Taylor Swift and Michele Obama, Pelosi and Amanpour, Beyonce and "Yes We Kam"...Women have asserted themselves while perverted, pussy-grabbing predators watch their potential prey pounce on assailants, maul the misogynist, and clean the hypocritical clocks of faux Male Christian evil-gelicals.

Now I know there are 2 or 3 woeful women who don't pass the above muster. Just like there are 3 or 4 nice guys out there. But, analysis of The Age of Man clearly illustrates that it's time to whoa, man and turn the societal reins over to Ms. Thang!

This may have been a bit harsh for you guys out there, so, as a proud male feminist, let me offer a closing comment in the effort to garnish empathy and solace from all ya'll. 

If A Man Makes a decision Alone in the Woods and the Woman isn't There, Is He Still Wrong?

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