Lebanon for My Dad

Italy For My Mom

Italy For My Mom
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Boozin' Brett Brat 

The Supreme Court. A bastion of common sense and a cradle for the rule of law. Sooooooo, why pick an unstable, angry, lying, name-calling Privileged Prep School Pundit?

It is clear that this dude is unable to be unbiased. His CV is testament to it.

Twitler can nominate someone just as conservative and push through the appointment. Just find someone not so much "Less far-right" as "Less far-flung".

With "control" of the executive and legislative branch, you think these crabby old Creeps would sail their selections through the choppy waters of a disillusioned majority of Americans.

Can we find a Judge with at least the appearance of civility, calm, and a panache for the rule of law?

Guess not.


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